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The statistical method used for comparison

Hey everyone, 
Is there any statistical method which can be used to compare frequency of observations between two groups. I have 2 groups in my study which have different sample sizes. SO, is it possible to calculate it with parametric or non-parametric measures? 

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By Amrita Goyal Answered 5 years ago

It depends on your data. If you have data in the form of yes or no, then, you must use Chi-Square test.  1. If the value of the variable is greater or equal than 5, then you can use the Chi-Square test.  2. If the value of the variable is smaller and equal than 5, then, you have to use Fisher’s Exact Test. 3. If the value of the variable is equal to 0, then, you can use the Yates’ Chi-Square test.

By Mayank Singh Answered 5 years ago

Refer to the link attached below:

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