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How to run statistical analysis?

Can I perform statistical analysis on convenience sampling? I searched about it online and in many books, but, couldn’t find an answer. So that’s why I am here asking the same question from all of you. I also consulted one of my seniors, and she said no because it’s not a representative sample. I would appreciate the urgent tips and suggestions from all of you.

All Answers (3 Answers In All) Post Your Answer

By Raiman S Answered 5 years ago

If your sample is biased in your report, and it is clearly stated then, you can use convenience sampling in the analysis.

By Nitesh Singhal Answered 5 years ago

According to me, convenient sampling will not represent the desired population in your study. It will not give you an accurate representation of the population. You can use statistical and social research methods, but the problem with them is they are not included in probability sampling.

By Brijesh Sharma Answered 5 years ago

I agree with what is said above, convenience sampling is not at all representative. But if you don’t have any other option, then, you can use this. For instance, If your study is based on street vendors, then, it is apt for it.

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